Adams, Albro, Ames, Arden, Backus, Baker, Baldwin, Barcus, Bartlett, Baxter, Bingham, Bradford, Branch, Brewster, Briggs, Brooks, Bryant, Carpenter, Chauncey, Claus, Cloward, Coburn, Cogswell, Collins, Cook, Cooper, Crane, Creyke, Cushman, Daily, Dawson, DeLap, Dell, Dodge, Douglas, Duetsche, Duntz, Edgerton, Eichenlaub, Ellis, Evered, Felde, Fitch, Fox, Freeman, Gifford, Griswold, Haley, Hall, Hanson, Harold, Hebard, Hewyns, Hill, Hirschinger, Holmes, Hunt, Hurley, Hyde, Jacob, Janes, Jefts, Jennings, Jewett, Kingsbury, Knopf, Lambert, Lebarron, Lemcke, Lewis, Lorentz, Manning, Matthews, May, McMaster, Metcalf, Mitchell, Molson, Moog, Morton, Mueller, Murphy, Newcomb, Nippert, O’Dell, Perigo, Pierce, Potter, Preston, Price, Priest, Radke, Richards, Richardson, Ripley, Rude (Rood), Sauve, Schaeffer, Schroeder, Scott, Seabury, Seall, Shakespeare, Sheffield, Shepard, Skeets, Smith, Southworth, Steele, Stephan, Stevens, Stinger, Stone, Tracy, Uhalt, Van Dooger, Vermayes/Fearmayes, Waldo, Warner, Webb, Wentworth, Wilborne, Wilson, Wood, Wright, Young
BE SURE TO SEE THE 04/20/11 POST "What's in a surname, especially if it's your's?"
BE SURE TO SEE THE 04/20/11 POST "What's in a surname, especially if it's your's?"
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